Dr. Silvia Menéndez Cepero, PhD 

We are honored to welcome Dr. Silvia Menéndez to Ozone Master Classes. Dr. Menéndez is the world’s foremost scientist in the field of ozone. She has spearheaded a significant amount of pre-clinical and clinical studies in Cuba, and for decades she was the engine behind the effort to prove the scientific and therapeutic value of medical ozone. Her invaluable contributions to research and the recognition of ozone as a potent therapeutic agent have earned her international recognition and respect. Dr. Menéndez is an outstanding teacher, and her passion for medical ozone permeates and distinguishes her work from anybody else’s.

Dr. Menéndez earned BA in Chemistry in 1972, and a PhD in Chemical Sciences in 1982, both at the University of Havana, Cuba. From 1972 to 2011, she worked in the National Center of Scientific Research in Cuba, (CNIC). She joined the Ozone Group in 1972, which in 1994 became the Ozone Research Center. In 1986, she became a Full Researcher. After that, Dr. Menéndez worked as a Specialist in Ozone Therapy and Head of the Ozone Clinic in the Ozone Research Center until 2011. Dr. Menéndez has been member of the Scientific Degrees Commission of the CNIC, of the General Scientific Council of CNIC and of the National Permanent Tribunal of Chemistry (for the defense of PhD thesis). Dr. Menéndez was responsible for the introduction of introduced ozone medical applications in Cuba in 1986. In 2007, Dr. Menéndez earned her qualifications as a first (highest) degree biotechnologist.

She has acted as consultant or tutor, in the field of ozone medical applications, in 40 thesis of Medical Specialist, in 10 thesis of Master (Biology, Pharmacology, Emergency Medicine, Traditional and Natural Medicine, Bioenergetic Medicine and in Emergency Dentistry) and in 4 thesis of PhD (in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences). She is the author of more than 50 articles, published in peered review journals, in the last 20 years, several books, of two patents (one international, about ozonated oils), 2 medicament registrations and a new therapeutic indication. She has imparted 60 courses in ozone therapy and participated in 130 international congresses with over 300 research papers on ozone therapies. As a lecturer, Dr. Menéndez has been invited to different countries such as: Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, USA, Barbados, Japan, Egypt and India. She has contributed in the clarification of the ozone mechanisms of action, by increasing knowledge of its biochemical and pharmacological properties and demonstrating that ozone therapy, carried on in controlled conditions, can be used with beneficial effects in apparently non related diseases. She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the World Federation of Ozone Therapy (WFOT- www.wfot.org) and is the head of the Scientific Council of O3CROWD (www.o3crowd.org/scientific-board). In 2017, Dr Menéndez joined OZOLABS, a European ozonated oil skin care products company, as Scientific Advisor. She has received several international and national medals and awards for her work deployed in the field of ozone therapy.


  • Prize for the Result of Major Scientific Advance for the paper entitled ¨Oxidation of the sugar cane wax¨ (1978).
  • Hallmark ¨Forjadores del Futuro¨ (1985).
  • Prize for the Result of Major Economical Contribution for the paper entitled  ¨Microbiological contamination in turbocombustible¨ (1986).
  • National Prize of Major Originality for the paper entitled ¨Ozone water disinfection in different water installations¨ (1987).
  • Special Annual Prize awarded by the Cuban Academy of Sciences for the paper entitled ¨Ozone applications in Cuba¨ (1991).
  • Prize in the VIII National Forum for the paper entitled ¨Ozone therapy and magneto therapy in the treatment of glaucoma. Its generalization¨ (1993).
  • Prize for the Result of Major Contribution to Social Development awarded by the Superior Education Ministry, for the paper entitled ¨Ozone with therapeutical purposes: pharmacology, toxicology and clinical results in oncopediatric mucositis¨ (2000).
  • “Dr Pedro Kourí Esmeja” Prize awarded by the Arab-American Medical Commission of the Cuban Arab Union for the paper entitled ¨Campimetric response of Retinitis Pigmentosa patients to ozone therapy treatment¨ (2002).
  • Prize awarded by the Scientific Council of the National Center for Scientific Research for Teaching of the Different Ozone Applications (2002).
  • Juan Tomás Roig Medal (2004).
  • Carlos J. Finlay Order (2006), a prize awarded for all the relevant scientific work performed during her career, awarded by the State Council of the Cuban Republic..
  • Two Special Annual Prize awarded by the Cuban Academy of Sciences for the papers entitled ¨Characterization of the ozonized sunflower oil and the study of its different uses¨ and ¨Ozone oxidative precondition: basis of its efficacy¨(2006).
  • Prize in the XV National Forum for the paper entitled ¨A new effective medication against intestinal giardiasis: oral OLEOZON (2007).
  • Minister Prize awarded by the Superior Education Ministry (2007).
  • Prize in the XVI Provincial Forum for the paper entitled ¨New therapeutical indication of topical OLEOZON: its application in the treatment of impetigo¨ (2008).
  • National Prize of the Technical-Scientific Critic for the book entitled ¨Ozone. Basic and clinical applications¨ (2009).
  • “Velio Bocci” I Scientific Prize to Ozone Therapy Investigations awarded by the Spanish Scientific Association of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy Application (ACEOOT) with the aim to develop the research and to stimulate the works related with ozone therapy for the paper entitled ¨Protective effect of ozone therapy in the renal damage¨ (2011).
  • Denham Harmon Award granted by the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) during ACAM Fall 2014 Annual Conference on ¨Intelligent Immunity¨ on November 16, 2014, Las Vegas, USA.
  • Francesco Riccardo Monti Prize for life time achievements is a recognition for scientific work done to spread Oxygen-Ozone Therapy practice in Italy and around the world. It was given during the Ozone Forum of India and the Annual Meeting of the World

       Federation of Ozone Therapy (WFOT), November 20, 2016.